Do you feel self-conscious about your eyes, eyelids or eyebrows? Access Eye Institute’s ophthalmic plastic surgery team is ready to help you improve your appearance and restore your self-confidence.

Cosmetic eye surgery may not be medically necessary, but it can drastically improve your feelings about yourself as well as your mental health.

Read on to learn more about how we can fix droopy or sagging eyelids and eyebrows, as well as our strategy for other common eye conditions such as excessive or inadequate tear production and facial skin cancer removal.


Q: Can cosmetic eye procedures make me look younger? 

Many cosmetic eye procedures such as blepharoplasty or ptosis repair can potentially help you look younger. Schedule a consultation at Access Eye Institute so we may discuss your specific goals and challenges.

Q: What happens at my initial consultation?

The initial consultation is very important: it’s your chance to ask all your questions and learn more about the risks and benefits of your chosen cosmetic eye improvement procedure. You should be prepared to discuss your medical history, your goals, and any concerns you have about cosmetic eye surgery.

Q: Are cosmetic eye surgeries very common?

Cosmetic eye surgeries are very common and usually have minimal risks with great outcomes for patients. Many people, especially celebrities, who attribute their youthful looks to great genes and healthy lifestyles are actually fibbing: they’ve had eye surgery.

In addition to a blepharoplasty, some people may need a lift to elevate droopy eyebrows (brow ptosis). The procedure will vary depending on the degree of the lift required an are done in such a way that minimizes obvious scarring. Brow lifts can restore a youthful appearance and functional improvement with minimal risk.

The lacrimal system is responsible for tear production. Tears are necessary to lubricate the eyes and clean any debris that may have become lodged in the eye. Excessive tearing is often the result of the eye’s inability to drain properly. Tearing of the eyes can be caused by several different factors, including: allergies, blepharitis, blocked tear duct, ingrown eyelashes, conjunctivitis, dry eye, environmental irritants, foreign bodies, infection, irritation, and trauma. Constant tearing, redness and swelling, and pain are symptoms of excessive tearing. After a thorough medical examination of the eye, treatment of watery eyes will depend on the underlying cause of the condition. Treatment may include: antibiotic or corticosteroid eye drops, surgical removal of the blockage, or surgical implantation of an artificial tear duct. Artificial tears or antihistamines may be recommended to treat dry eye and to relieve symptoms.

An abnormal growth that forms on the eyelid should be examined as soon as possible. A biopsy will usually determine whether the eyelid tumor is benign or malignant. The eyelids suffer from a large amount of sun exposure and are therefore more at risk for skin cancer. The results of the biopsy will determine if removal of the growth is recommended. We aim to completely remove the cancerous growth and to reconstruct the eyelid. Once the tumor has been removed, the area will be retested to make sure been excised. In some instances, the entire cancerous growth cannot be entirely removed and radiation may be recommended as an additional treatment. Once removal is complete, our surgeon will reconstruct the eyelid to restore both form and function. This procedure will be tailored to fit your specific needs based on the size and location of the affected area. We will walk through the removal and reconstruction process step by step during our consultation.

Botox injections are minimally invasive and used to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. These injections, made from a therapeutic muscle-relaxing agent, are approved by the FDA and are commonly used in cosmetic procedures. Once injected into the skin, Botox can stop the nerve muscles from making the repetitive movements that cause fine lines and wrinkles, creating a younger, smoother appearance. Dermal fillers such as Juvederm create a smoother appearance to the skin by restoring volume to drooping areas.


The first step toward scheduling your cosmetic eye surgery in Ventura County is to contact Access Eye Institute. We’re in Thousand Oaks and Oxnard, and we serve patients from all over Los Angeles.

Our compassionate surgeons will meet with you to help you pick the best treatment plan for your goals and needs.

Whether you need a blepharoplasty or just some Botox, call Access Eye Institute today. We can’t wait to meet you!