What is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma occurs as the result of damage to the optic nerve that can lead to vision loss and even blindness. The diseases and conditions that can contribute to the development of glaucoma include: Blocked blood vessels, eye injury, inflammation of the eye(s). With early detection and treatment, eyes can be protected against the serious loss of vision or blindness.


There are two types of Glaucoma, Open Angle and Acute Closed-Angle. Open Angle Glaucoma typically presents no symptoms early on, making it crucial to see your eye doctor regularly in order to prevent long-term vision loss. Peripheral vision is typically affected first but central vision will be affected later if untreated. Other symptoms that might present are headaches and issues with night vision. Patients who have Acute Closed-Angle Glaucoma typically present notable symptoms which may include severe pain, a sense of nausea, seeing halos around lights, and blurred vision. This form of glaucoma develops quickly making it urgent to see an eye-care specialist as soon as possible. 

Testing for Glaucoma:

To test for Glaucoma, we will measure the internal pressures of your eyes as well as the optic nerve for damage. If the pressures of your eye are high, you may have Glaucoma and further measures will be taken to prevent the progression.