Do you feel self-conscious about your eyes, eyelids or eyebrows? Access Eye Institute’s ophthalmic plastic surgery team is ready to help you improve your appearance and restore your self-confidence.

Cosmetic eye surgery may not be medically necessary, but it can drastically improve your feelings about yourself as well as your mental health


Read on to learn more about how we can fix droopy or sagging eyelids and eyebrows, as well as our strategy for other common eye conditions such as excessive or inadequate tear production and facial skin cancer removal.

Reasons for Cosmetic Eye Surgery

Whether you are looking to better eye functionality or appearance, Oculoplastic surgery can help with both. As we age the appearance of our eyes change. They may droop or sag, tear ducts can become blocked, and bumps or even skin cancer can develop. Oculoplastic surgery can remove abnormalities and cancer, treat inadequate tear production,  restore functionality to the eyelid, and improve appearance to help you feel your best. Regardless of the reason, our team at Access Eye Institute can help you look and feel your best. 

Frequently Asked Questions about Cosmetic Eye Surgery

Q: Can cosmetic eye procedures make me look younger? 

Many cosmetic eye procedures such as blepharoplasty or ptosis repair can potentially help you look younger. Schedule a consultation at Access Eye Institute so we may discuss your specific goals and challenges.

Q: What happens at my initial consultation?

The initial consultation is very important: it’s your chance to ask all your questions and learn more about the risks and benefits of your chosen cosmetic eye improvement procedure. You should be prepared to discuss your medical history, your goals, and any concerns you have about cosmetic eye surgery.

Q: Are cosmetic eye surgeries very common?

Cosmetic eye surgeries are very common and usually have minimal risks with great outcomes for patients. Many people, especially celebrities, who attribute their youthful looks to great genes and healthy lifestyles are actually fibbing: they’ve had eye surgery.